Friday, August 26, 2022

Grammy turns 81!

 Yesterday was grammy's birthday.  We celebrated her birthday by going to a cute outdoor lunch place called "Chestnut Pine".  It was just grammy and I. It has been a hard week so I am glad we were able to go out.  Russ moved into mom's house last Saturday evening.  Ali and Russ are separated for right now, but time will tell what happens, but a momma's heart always hurts with their children.  I tried to focus on the positive with Grammy.  Later Lexi, Shawn, and I ran over to to give Grammy her present Lexi carved!  Aunt Susie and her granddaughter Hailey came into town on their way to take Hailey to college, so grammy was able to go to dinner with her sister and brother.  

Found this cute selfie on my phone!
Sue Rampton made these cute cards/signs for our family after Lexi and Shawn's trip last weekend taking the Idaho friends out on the boat with them.  
By the way- I have healed so well and so quickly.  I feel great and my scars are all healing really well.  I am grateful for the blessing I received and for our amazing bodies that can heal us!

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