Sunday, June 18, 2023

BYU Soccer Camp for Alegra


Alegra went to BYU soccer camp last week with some of her teammates.  Alegra and Claire roomed together.  We had a snafu at check in because a really crazy mom was begging us to switch rooms so her daughter could share a bathroom with some of her teammates.  We obliged but it ended up messing up Claire and Alegra's counselor, which separated them from their team. I spend a few hours on the phone on Monday super irate for helping this random mother out who promised she cleared it and it wouldn't change a thing.  I explained our case and ended up getting Claire and ALegra back with their original counselor with the rest of their teammates.  The problem is, i think that stared off the camp on the wrong foot and it ended up kinda being a tough year at BYU soccer camp for Alegra.  I don't think she will be doing it again next year!  

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