The kids had their 3 year and 6 month doctor appointments today. When I initially scheduled the appointment I made their appointments at the same time not really thinking about how hard it would be to handle 2 crying children after shots. Luckily, Kathy, Shawn's mom, was in town and able to go with me. It was a great help having grandma there to help handle the kids. Cruz is doing great. When we first walked back to our room we stopped at an eye chart. Cruz did amazing saying the shapes he saw on the eye chart. Then he had to cover one eye at a time and do it, this was pretty comical. Once he figured out how to cover his eye, he did very well naming the shapes. Then the doctor had me fill out this questionnaire to see how much Cruz knew, etc. Some of the stuff he had to do was jump over a piece of paper, name animals, tell me the sounds the animals make, balance on one foot, point out the body parts I said, and answer questions. One of the questions I had to ask him was, "What do you do with a cup?" Cruz's answer, "spill it!" That was pretty funny. Another one was, "what do you do when you are hungry?", he said, "eat breakfast!" He must wake up pretty hungry :)! Another, "what do you do when you are cold?", he said, "blanket". I thought that was pretty good too! Cruz measured in at 38.9 inches which is the 79%. His weight is 34.5 pounds which is the 75% for his age. He is looking healthy and doing great! He did have to get one shot this time. They have updated one vaccine that he got when he was younger but he didn't get this new form and the doctor recommended it. After he got the shot he really cried and said, "I don't want a shot!" I had a hard time telling him that he already got the shot and that there will not be another for a long time. Luckily I brought some fruit snacks and soon the shot was soon forgotten.
Sweet Alegra is doing well too. First and foremost I wanted the Dr. Pete to check out her right ear. He did say it is not normal yet, but it does look like it is on the mend. She is still currently taking her 2 round of antibiotics for her 4th ruptured right ear drum in a month. We will keep our fingers crossed she doesn't get another ear infection or a burst ear drum, otherwise, we will probably have to go see an ear, nose, throat specialist to look into tubes. I just really hope and pray we don't have to go that route. Alegra is doing great for 6 months too. About a week ago I started feeding her rice cereal with some fruit or veggie in the morning sometime after a nursing and in the evening sometime after a nursing. I also have been giving her some probiotics to help keep her stomach regular on all these antibiotics. They have powder form for babies that I put into her rice cereal during one of her feedings. She can be on her stomach for longer and she can push up on her arms pretty well too. She rolls from her stomach to her back and just today at the doctors office she rolled from her back to her stomach on the table while grandma was watching her (this was the second time she has done that). If she really wants to see something behind her she cranes her neck really hard and it gets her body to roll over. I am sure she will just get better and better at this. We are practicing sitting with her and she has started to get really wiggly in her bumbo chair. She is liking to grab my face and hair and reach out and grab toys too. Alegra likes to put anything in her mouth and chew, possibly a sign for teeth coming soon. She is definitely a little person now! She measured in at 26 Inches which is the 58%. She weighed in at 17 pounds which is the 69%, and her head measured 43.4 cm which is the 75%. Alegra got 3 shots today and she cried as well, but luckily she calmed down fairly fast too. The nurse was very good and quick with giving the shots, which was nice. Alegra has such a sweet, happy temperament. Even with all of these ear infections she has been pretty good natured. She loves to watch her brother and she loves to giggle at whatever he is doing. We love our sweet pea!
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