Saturday, March 23, 2013

Alegra and her new pal Esme

We just started doing play dates with Esme. She is right about Alegra's age (her birthday is December) and I knew her mom, Stacey, from when I was single. Stacey just got married this past summer, but her husband was married before and they adopted Esme when she was a baby. Stacey's husband's first wife past away from Cancer and so know Stacey is Esme's full time mom. She is a very cute little girl. Alegra and Esme play pretty well together. They had a major fight right before Esme went home on Friday though. I texted Stacey later with a picture of Alegra sleeping (which she rarely does anymore) saying she was tired. Stacey texted back with a picture of Esme sleeping too, saying she was tired too.

I love how they kind of look like twinners sleeping.....same sleeping position, blonde hair, same sheets, etc.

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