Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Money Bags

This little guy went around the neighborhood selling animals that he has won at different carnivals/fairs thru out his life. He had some money but he wanted to earn more so we could go to the Toy Store and buy a new Beyblade!  He is my LOVER of money. And once he gets it, he likes to spend it!!
An example of one of the animals he was selling in one hand and the other hand has his new Beyblade (recent fascination with these, it has always been all about Legos)

It is so nice today. Alegra was lovin' wearing her ducky hat and sunglasses playing outside on the swing set all by herself while Cruz was playing Beyblads and I was trying to make some Zucchini bread!
Little Lexi lovin' the swings!  She is my chill baby, she definitely likes her attention but she is pretty "go with the flow" most of the time!

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