Friday, August 2, 2013

Swim Lessons, Dive Lessons, Lego Camp, Macy's Kid Camp, and Trafalga......

oooh yeah, and 1 fall backwards off the slide!!  I will get to that in a minute.

We had a busy week this week. The kids had swim lessons for Alegra and Dive lessons for Cruz at Willow Creek Country Club from 10:45-11:30 a.m.  Then we would come home, change clothes, eat lunch and head off to the next activity which was Lego Camp for Cruz (from 1-4) and Macy's Kids Camp at her home (from 1-3).  Lexi and I would come home during that time and she would get her nap.

Shockingly Cruz didn't love his Lego camp at first. I think there were a couple of kids in it that weren't that nice, but by the end he did enjoy it!

Alegra loved Macy's kids camp. They did crafts and played games.

Yesterday after I picked up Cruz we went down to Lehi to meet Bobbi and her girls at Trafalga.   It is this fun center that has rides and mini golf.  We stayed for a bit so the kids could ride a bunch of rides.

Today after kids camp (Cruz went to kids camp today with Alegra because his Lego camp was over) the kids stayed and swam. I brought Lexi over and they all were having fun in the pool.  It was getting close to 5 p.m. and I gave our kids a 5 minute warning because I needed to get home to get dinner ready.  I was holding Lexi and I saw Alegra climb the stairs of the slide, which she had done several times before, and for some reason she was standing at the top of the slide not holding anything and she fell backwards.  I saw the whole thing.  I was freaking out.  I ran over there and luckily she was screaming instead of knocked out.  She ended up only having a few scrapes and she will have a small bruise on her forehead.  Honestly, I think my dad was close protecting her.  She was wearing a life jacket and I think having that padding helped too.  I think my heart literally stopped for a few seconds.  I was happy too because Ali was home and helped me put band aids on her cuts.  She is one tough girl!!!!

 Legs at Swim Class
 Macy's Kids Camp!

 Bobbi, Penelope, and Vienna!
 Isabel and Cruz!
 Lexi and Georgia in the pool this afternoon.  Sweet Lexi is an official walker. This past week she has walked more and more each day. She tries to walk probably 80% of the time.  She is so cute doing it!  I love that little lady!

 Love him!
Love my little munchkins, so glad Alegra was o.k. today!

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