Monday, October 7, 2013

Friday after Tubes

So the first hour after tube surgery I was kind of kicking myself inside because Alegra wasn't feeling well, and I just felt so bad for.  After she ended up dosing in my arms in the recovery room she seemed to be doing better.  By the time we got home she was pretty much ready to play and pretty hyper. It was a cold snowy day out and I kept thinking we were going to watch movies, etc.  I tried to make that happen because the doctor told me to try and keep her mellow, but she got pretty antsy. We had several tea parties and she changed her clothes several times.  I got her a new tea set because her old one (a tin one) got all "ruffly" (rusted out, but Alegra called it ruffly).  Grandma Raddon got her a BYU cheerleading outfit and she was also excited to put that on.  She also had on her 1920's flapper girl Halloween Outfit on throughout the day :).

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