Saturday, February 8, 2014


Love this little goofball even though she has gotten a little saucy lately :).  Some of her terms that I love:
plogged = plugged + clogged nose (the reason she can't sleep good at night)
root pear = root beer to drink please
pinky = a small amount of soda to drink

"Here's the deal mom" with a little tsk tsp from her tongue with her hand flipped out and bent over!!!

These are the ones that I can remember right now!

she thought she was so funny climbing up into Lexi's chair!

-stinky for when she has poop or anything smells, like a toot! :)

-one more thing I LOVE to hear are the sounds of my kids feet running from their rooms to ours in the morning.  Sometimes it is too early but I still think it is so cute, there pitter patter.  Plus, it always makes me laugh because they usually run, not walk.

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