Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lovin' this warm weather!

We took Alegra to the doctor this morning because she has Croup. She is terrible at night with a hard time breathing and a seal-like cough, but in the day she is somewhat fine!  The nights are terrible though so Dr. Pete put her on a steroid.  The girls had fun playing in the backyard after the appointment.

After the appointment we had to run to the pet store to get more bark for T's cage (we desperately need to clean his rubber maid tupperware out).There were these beanie babies at the check out area. I was so surprised that Alegra wasn't asking for one. Lexi tried grabbing at them a few times but we got out of there relatively with no complaining.  Right when I was about to pull out of the parking stall Alegra started telling me that she brought her money. Then I saw her pull out this Beanie Baby whale, that she had stuck in her shirt.  I told her I was glad she told me but that I had to return that.  We hadn't paid for it yet.  I talked to her about what stealing is and asked she not do it again! :)

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