Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cruz's Play Date

Cruz's school has a program for kids with "special needs". I love that Cruz gets to be around kids that are a little different from him.  He has really taken a liking to Jonas, a cute special needs boy.  Jonas is in a wheelchair at school and is a little slower speech but can use his hands and can converse.  Jonas was in Cruz's class last year and this year.  Cruz LOVES when he gets to help Jonas.  I also noticed at his Halloween program, they sat 2 other special needs kids next to Cruz during the program. I think he has a tender heart with these kids and likes to help them out.  Anyway, Cruz has been wanting to have a play date with Jonas.  Finally it happened yesterday.  Cruz really wanted his mom to bring in his wheelchair but he gets around really well just crawling all over the place. Jonas had fun playing with all the different toys at our home.  Cruz didn't totally know what to do with himself but I think he enjoyed having Jonas at our home.

 Jonas really likes fire trucks so while Cruz was waiting for Jonas to arrive he made this truck for Jonas to play with, pretty creative!!

 The girls liked having Jonas here too!

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