Thursday, February 12, 2015

Kids Dentist Appt.

We had dentists appointments yesterday after school.  They all did great.  No cavities.  Lexi did especially well. She totally let the hygienist take x-rays (which can be uncomfortable) and clean, with no complaining at all.

 A quick note about the green "long underwear".  Cruz wants to wear shorts everyday to school.  I kind of didn't put a fight up about it.  On colder days he had to wear pants and he came up with this solution.  He only has 1 pair of these green leggings and he doesn't wear underwear with them, because as he says to me, "mom, they are long UNDERWEAR!"  The problem is, I won't wash them every night , so that is just gross to me.  He got really sick a week ago and so we came up with a new rule.  He had to check the weather page every morning. If it is 55 degrees or above, he can wear shorts.  If it is below 55 degrees he has to wear pants, or the above outfit.  The 2 days in a row green tights grosses me out, so I might have to put my foot down on that too. I wash them frequently and I really don't want to buy more long underwear since he has a drawer full of pants he could very easily wear.  He has made a pack with some of the boys in his grade, the "short club",  oh vie!!!

 Alegra has a lose tooth on the bottom that I didn't know about until this appointment
 The kids could pick silly hats to wear, Lexi was the only one that followed through!

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