Thursday, February 12, 2015

Potty Training

Lexi has been doing really well with the potty training. The last few days she has gone a bit more in her pull up then the previous week, but overall it is going pretty smooth.  We might do pull ups one more week and then move to undies.  That is always a big transition for mom and dad because it is more cleanup.  But I have to say, once Alegra was potty trained I don't think she had hardly any accidents in her pants.  Lets hope the same is true with Lexi!!

She is so cute!!!  She is a funny kid though.  She loves to get right up in your ear and whisper and kiss and huge.  One second she will do something naughty and then she will be kissing you all over and hugging you.  She is a great pretender.  She plays really well by herself and she loves to make messes in the pretend world she is in creating "her world".  Babies, animals out rolled in blankets, etc.  I love it that she is using her mind to create.  We made a potty chart for her today to keep encouraging her to put her pee pee and poo poo in the potty!!

Funny story- in church she can be a little crazy during Sacrament meeting.  I kept asking her to use her whisper voice and be quiet, and then she yells out, "I don't want to be quiet"  over and over.  I finally bribed her something to eat to be quiet.  Needless to say there was some giggles from people sitting around us.  Also, we went to Costco to buy some more pull ups.  There were 2 kinds-Jake and the Neverland Pirates and Princess pull-ups (basically a boy version and a girl version).  She wanted the Jake box and that is what she got, but I thought it was pretty cute and funny.  She keeps me on my toes that is for sure!!

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