Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lexi is 4 months old today!

The kids love seeing Lexi do her tricks, like sitting in her chair.

Unfortunately, Lexi doesn't love to be on her stomach....therefore I tend to forget, but she does need to spend more time on her tummy.

I can't believe it, but Lexi is 4 months old today. She actually had her 4 month check up as well. She is our tall skinny girl. She weighs 12 lb. 9 oz. (only 28%), she is 25.5 inches tall (91% for her age), and her head is 40.5 cm (38%). I call Lexi my medium baby. She isn't as tough as Cruz was as a baby and she isn't as easy as Alegra was as a baby, she is just medium :). With Cruz I think a lot of his toughness was me being a new mom and not knowing what I was doing. With Alegra I felt so much more comfortable with a newborn and felt more like I knew what I was doing. She might not be as easy as I remember, I just remember she slept during the day a lot more than Cruz. Lexi has fussy periods but we have her on Zantac for acid reflux and that has seemed to help. She didn't spit up a ton but she would scream like she was in total pain when I would lay her down. She is so smiley too though and Cruz can really get her to smile. We love her and I am loving having a baby to care for.
This is Lexi's serious face :)!!!

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