Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Sweets" Candy Factory

The kids and I went on a tour of Sweets Candy Factory with our friends/neighbors Misty, Zoe, and Jack. It was a lot of fun. We had to wear hairnets, take off all jewelry, wear close toed shoes, and walk within yellow lines. The kids did very good following all of the instructions. Cruz loved talking to the tour director and luckily she was very kind to him. It was fun seeing how they made taffy, cinnamon bears, jelly beans, and all that sugar!!! We weren't allowed to take any pictures inside, so we snapped a few shots after the fact. They even made me put a hairnet on Lexi. Her head is so small we ended up putting a beard net on her.

Both Grandma's Love the Chocolate Orange sticks Sweeet's makes. We got to sample them along with several other candies!

Love Lexi's Hair Net!

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