Sunday, July 29, 2012

Movie Night

We had a busy day yesterday. Our neighbor Maddy came over to babysit in the morning so I could do a quick bike up Temple Quarry Trail. I was a little nervous to go by myself but it was a Saturday morning and I knew the trail would be busy. I am actually more worried about animals than people and I have never seen anything on that trail but sure enough yesterday on my way home about 10 feet in front of me a Coyote crossed the trail. My heart stopped for a minute but then I realized he was probably more scared of me. Crazy though! I came home cleaned the house up and then we went to pick up dad. We ate lunch at this yummy Mexican restaurant down by the airport called the Red Iguana. The kids and I were so happy and to have dad home. We stayed close to the airport to eat because we had to pick up Grammy an hour later. She was out in California as well for the past 2 weeks helping her friend Sandy recover from surgery. Grammy also stayed long enough to be able to see Ryan's show. We picked Grammy up and then brought her home. We were home no longer than an hour when we loaded to the car up and drove to Katie's parents home for a birthday party for Ezra. It was mostly Katie's family but the kids had fun playing. We then came home and got PJ's on. Then we walked over to Tom and Shelly's (Cruz kept saying Shom and Telly's and couldn't figure out what was going on, it was funny) to watch a movie with the Milner, Tom and Shelly, and Us. We had to wait until it was dark enough to project "Ice Age" onto the outdoor movie screen Tom had made. Shelly had popcorn and treats. It was fun to watch the movie outside (it had finally cooled off), with neighbors and friends. It was a late night though but it was fun and worth it. Alegra really doesn't watch t.v. or movies so she had a hard time watching, she kept following Jack around and wanted to sit in front of him wherever he sat. Alegra didn't make it through the whole movie because she kept bugging Jack and she really wasn't watching. She liked to treats though! Dad took her to bad at about 9:30.

Cruz and Zoe were old enough to really get into the movie and Cruz is so cute to watch movie with. He totally reacts (loudly) and it is so funny!

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