Sunday, September 30, 2012

Alegra's mishaps

So Alegra has had a pretty rough week, to say the least. I posted a few weeks back that she had Croup. Well, as the doctor said, the croup turned into a bad cold. The bad cold turned into an ear infection (which we didn't know). She had a minor rupture last Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. Luckily Lexi had a doctor appointment on Friday so we took Alegra with us. Dr. Pete confirmed she had ruptured her ear but he thought it looked liked it was on the mend. He did call in some antibiotics but we thought we wouldn't get them unless she got worse. She seemed fine all weekend and even on Monday and Tuesday, then Tuesday afternoon hit and she started screaming about her ear. Luckily I ran down to Walgreens and picked up the antibiotics. It didn't bring relief fast enough for Alegra though. She was miserable most of the night. By morning her ear was oozing and she had majorly ruptured it again. Then Saturday came......she was running into the house from the garage to get more peanuts (I was in the garden and Shawn was in the garage pumping up his tire to go on a ride) when all of a sudden she crashed. She fell on the steps leading into the house. I didn't see it but her mouth was all bloody. She pushed a bunch of teeth up into her gums a bit and her lips,gums, and tongue were bleeding. It was a mess and she was in total pain. We called the pediatric dentist but they didn't think we needed to bring her in. I am going to call and try and get her in tomorrow, but the poor thing is totally swollen on her mouth and she is talking funny. My hope is that she didn't damage her teeth too bad. We will see, it just kills me to see her mouth swollen though.
Alegra trying on her new ski helmet and pants that Shawn bought at a ski swap.

Cruz doing his ninja move and showing his origami that he got at High Note last night!
Poor thing!

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