Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sick Kids and No Tubes

So last night I was filling out Alegra's Health Questionnaire and it was asking all about recent respiratory problems.  Alegra had Croup last week and had a steroid to help her recover.  I called Dr. Kelly's office, who is going to perform the tube surgery and removal of adenoids and they told me she can't have had Croup within the last 6 weeks. So, no surgery for Alegra.  I scheduled it for June 7th. I just hope she can not get Croup again AND that she has no ear ruptures (because they are so painful for  her). Lets just keep our fingers crossed that she can get better and stay healthy!  Lexi has Croup now, but I haven't taken her in. She doesn't seem to bothered about it during the night (cross our fingers) so I am just going to see if she can mend on her own.

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