Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Probably about 6 months ago we couldn't find fuzzy.  A few days earlier I was kinda on a cleaning and getting rid of "stuff" rampage, so I wasn't sure if I had accidentally put fuzzy in a DI bag. Olive had gotten to some of Lexi's stuffed animals so if the animal was missing eyes or hands I was getting rid of them.  Anyway, fuzzy was given to Lexi by Grandma Frye about a year ago.  She also got some  clothes for fuzzy.  I was feeling so bad. I had gone to several DI's looking for lost fuzzy, hoping I didn't get rid of it. I did buy 1 bear for $1.00 thinking it looked a bit like fuzzy, maybe a replacement. We kept looking and I still couldn't find it.  I was feeling really bad.  So, then I went on etsy to see if I could find a replacement. I knew it was a steiff animal and it was from the 1980's.  I did find one used one that looked in good condition listed for $35.  I decided to purchase it because I felt so bad.  I ended up putting it out on Lexi's bed trying to act like I had found fuzzy.  Lexi came down screaming and throwing a fit calling me a liar.  "THAT IS NOT FUZZY!"  So all my efforts didn't pay off.  It was a few months later and Lexi was still mad at me about fuzzy.  And I still thought it was my fault. So we happen to be in a toy store and there was this cute soft teddy bear.  Lexi wanted it but I said if I bought it she could not be mad at me anymore about fuzzy.  It was an innocent mistake on my part.  So we bought this cute bear, I sewed some pajamas for the bear and we were good.  She no longer held a grudge against me.  Well, long story short, yesterday we were cleaning the basement and there was this tent that was stuffed into the corner of the basement that the girls sometimes played in with the neighbors. I had been asking the kids to pick it up and put it away but of course, no one touched it.  Finally I picked the tent  up to shake it out and fold it up and out fell fuzzy.  I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! THE REAL FUZZY AND IT WASN'T EVEN MY FAULT.  I really couldn't believe it.

Monday, March 30, 2020

At home church and the Circus

We had a nice little church meeting at our home yesterday.  Rebecca had shared with us in writing how her friend had "heard Him". We have been asked by our prophet and apostles to Listen to His voice.  Rebecca shared how she heard him and we talked about the importance of prayer and listening to the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost will speak to all of us in different ways.

The prophet also asked for a world wide day of fasting and prayer for the Coronavirus.  I felt power in the fast.  Miracles can happen we have to have faith!

Shawn, Alegra, and Lexi have been practicing circus acts all week. They came up with cute names and tricks for each act.  Rolling boulder, flying back flip, stingray, double ray, soaring eagle, the three amigos, triangle trolley, paraglider, rolly polly, and crab stand.  They were all super creative moves.  Cruz and I got invitations.  Money to pay for admission and tickets.  Seats were assigned.  And there was a half time snack.  We were VIP so we got to go to back stage "the office" after the performance.

Saturday March 28th - Shawn's 43rd Birthday!

 We started the morning with opening presents together.

 Lexi and Alegra made dad cute cards.
 We had a blast cleaning the basement most of the day but then we did go and do our hike by our house and the kids made it to the peak, which is pretty awesome.  We came home and got take out from Royal India and Cruz had helped me make this cheesecake for dad the day before.  COVID-19 birthday for dad's 43rd!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday March 27th

I have been having a really hard time sleeping the past few nights.  I don't feel that stressed with the situation going on-so far we are all healthy, Shawn still has his job, I actually like being at home with my kids, I have been getting some form of exercise, and I have been trying to fill my day with hearing the voice of the Lord- but I think underneath it all, I am anxious.  I need to let it go and trust in the Lord.  I need to tune out the negative and focus on my family and my relationship with Heavenly Father.  I need to not worry about the little things.  If I don't feel as productive or successful with this "time off" it will all be o.k.

 For some reason Cruz likes to tease Lexi that she has no eyebrows. Well, yesterday at dinner Lexi ran away from the table and then came back quickly with these brown drawn in eye brows.  I couldn't help laughing at/with her all dinner. It looked so funny!
The girls had a great day yesterday. They got their work done is a good amount of time and then they played out in the snow together for over an hour.  Then last night they were making up skits and dances.  I love seeing their relationship grow during this time.

Cruz on the other hand did not have a good day.  He was suppose to get a bunch of missing work done and we kept catching him on a device playing games.  He ended up losing all privileges yesterday.  He has started today out much better though - showered, cleaned his room, and now he is jogging on the treadmill-so there is hope!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday March 26th

 Trying to mix up the school day yesteray - through in some puzzle time!
 Grammy bought me this cute garland at the Christkindle Market this past December at This is the Place and last night I put it together and hung it up.  The girls got infront of it to take a cute picture to send to grammy.
It snowed today about 6 inches.  I ran out to the middle school to pick up a math book and I picked up some take out from our neighbors burger joint Salt City Burger.  It was nice to not have to fix a meal but I am getting so paranoid about COVID living on containers, etc that I'm super wary about take out.  I wanted to support our neighbors but I will most likely being doing all the cooking-especially since I think our state is going to go to shelter in place soon which means basically grocery stores are only open. Trying to stay upbeat. I did go for a long walk today but didn't get out and get a good sweat and that usually helps my mood out.  President Nelson called for a world wide fast on Sunday to help with this pandemic.  There hasn't been that request from a prophet since 1982 when Ethiopia was having terrible droughts.   I love President Nelson and he has such a great perspective.  He has asked us to fast for relief from this COVID 19-relief from the physical, emotional, and economic effects of this global pandemic.  Fast and Pray and Unite our faith to plead for physical, spiritual, and other healing  thoughout the entire world.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday March 25th

I am having the kids journal every morning so I am trying to do the same thing.  We are trying to keep a good balance of requirements for school, outside time, down time, screen time, and exercise time.  I thought we'd have all this time for projects I want to work on around the house, but the school day keeps us pretty busy and I try to be on hand to help, be read to, or just an extra hand.  I have been making 3 meals a day, which also takes some time but I think we have been eating really well (maybe too well for me :)) while on this quarantine.  Last night we had chili cheese dogs with homemade buns. They were so yummy!

 Shawn just downloaded some of his pictures to the computer.  These 2 are from when he was in Wisconsin a couple of weeks ago to honor Rick on his 1 year passing.  They went to a Pie place in Madison since Rick passed on 3/14 - Pi day.

 Morning yoga before school
 A little skinning and skiing for dad and Cruz
 This was Alegra's gift she gave to Lexi on her birthday last year!

 All of Lexi's bokugan balls

 Zoom calls with their teachers and classmates

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday March 24th

Yestedays home school went pretty well.  I think we are kinda getting into the groove of things.  Then at about 2 Lexi totally lost it.  I think she got hungry and for some reason she hates a couple of the online math programs she is required to do everyday with this homeschool.  They announced yesterdays that school will be out till at least May 1st.  I had already come to that conclusion in my own head and kinda prepared the kids, so we were that shocked.  I actually don't think they will go back to school at all this year, but we will see.  Trying to just take a day at a time and try to have special moments in the day as a family, with each child, and create good memories.

Monday, March 23, 2020


On Saturday we got the kids motivated enough to clean out their closets. That felt really good.  It was kinda a chilly start to the day so it was the perfect activity.  I would love to do that to the whole house-but I keep telling myself to be patient and enjoy them and to try not to be such a slave driver.  But, I do want them to know they have to pitch in to help me.  It got fairly nice later in the day and Shawn and I took a road ride. That was super nice.  We were thinking about take out from Taqueria 27 to support local business, but they shut their doors completely because they couldn't sustain enough business with take out only.  I am still unsure about take out food too.  I think the virus can live on things so what stops it from living on bags and containers.  

I have really really enjoyed the scripture study this week in Come Follow Me.  It brings me some peace and hope.   We studied Jacob 5-7.  I really understood the Allegory of the Olive Tree this time around.  I read something this week that we are being pruned by the Lord. Getting rid of unnecessary things to focus on our relationships with our family, our relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ, and serving others.  I have such a strong desire to study and learn.  With the earthquakes that have happened this week, I cannot help but think, are we nearing the second coming?  I want to be prepared.  I feel almost an urgency.  I want me kids to feel the spirit and choose to have a relationship with Jesus.  I need  to look for ways to share my testimony and the spirit with them.  Sometimes I just want to cram it into them.  Like after I study I just want to talk to them about it and have them listen to the "Don't Miss this" podcast and love it like me.  But I know they don't have the attention span for that, so I am looking for ways to try to share tidbits with them.  

On Sunday we went over to Pugh's to take the sacrament and I reviewed the material from this week and talked about the restoration and Josephs first vision.  General Conference is in 2 weeks and Pres. Nelson has asked us to ponder this special event and what it means to us in our lives.  I am trying to touch on this leading up to conference.  We went on a hike later in the day and that was really good for the kids and myself.  I very much lost my temper yesterday with my kids.  I felt terrible and pray for more patience.  I do want them to know they can't be disrespectful and they need to listen to me though. 

This past week has been filled with a roller coaster of emotions.  I try to have a level head about it and continue to strive to do what's right.  

 Lexi eating her birthday cake on Saturday afternoon.  I was upstairs organizing and came down to find her just like this- it just made me laugh.
 The girls got hair chalk in the mail and while Shawn and I were out for a bike ride they did their hair and made a rock band. Loving their creativity.

 Sunday Hike

 Naomi sent this to us - "This is how we do Sundays with Social Distancing".  I laughed so hard!

Friday, March 20, 2020

First week of homeschool, self quarantine

Well, its Friday morning.  We have almost made it through one week of home school/self quarantine. Overall, it has been pretty good.  Yes, there has been fighting, talking back, tantrums, etc. BUT there has been really great family bonding time over games, walks, movies together, eating way more meals together.  This is good for us and I need to remember that.  This is a time I can teach my kids, work with them, listen to them, and LOVE ON THEM!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lexi's birthday!!!

Today is Lexi's birthday!  She is 8!  I can't believe my baby is 8.  I remember the morning she was born pretty clearly.  She was born at 5:50 a.m.  She is such a passionate child.  She laughs hard and she gets her tempers raging.  She loves to be silly and she has the cutest little brace face right now.  We love her so much.  I tried to make this morning as special as possible. Luckily I had gotten her presents early (like 2 weeks ago) so we had a bunch of presents to give her.  We made sourdough pancakes for breakfast.  Facetimed with both grandmas. Opened presents.  Enjoyed Lexi!  Then we started up on school work.

 Alegra made Lexi these cute fish stick fish!

 And this cute card - I love Cruz in the background of these pics, on the hoverboard!

 Cruz drew this picture for Lexi!