Monday, March 30, 2020

At home church and the Circus

We had a nice little church meeting at our home yesterday.  Rebecca had shared with us in writing how her friend had "heard Him". We have been asked by our prophet and apostles to Listen to His voice.  Rebecca shared how she heard him and we talked about the importance of prayer and listening to the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost will speak to all of us in different ways.

The prophet also asked for a world wide day of fasting and prayer for the Coronavirus.  I felt power in the fast.  Miracles can happen we have to have faith!

Shawn, Alegra, and Lexi have been practicing circus acts all week. They came up with cute names and tricks for each act.  Rolling boulder, flying back flip, stingray, double ray, soaring eagle, the three amigos, triangle trolley, paraglider, rolly polly, and crab stand.  They were all super creative moves.  Cruz and I got invitations.  Money to pay for admission and tickets.  Seats were assigned.  And there was a half time snack.  We were VIP so we got to go to back stage "the office" after the performance.

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