Monday, March 16, 2020

Updates with pictures

 Last Saturday 3/7 -when life was still normal.  Lexi's last indoor soccer game.  Her team had an undefeated season.
 After her game we went skiing. It was so much fun to be together!
 Waiting for the boys -Lexi keeping herself busy with a million selfies on my phone.

 Then later that night.....more selfies.

 My dear friend Emily got married last Friday March 13th.  She is my age and has never been married. She is the coolest girl and I've wanted her to find her prince charming.  She finally did and I am so happy for her.  She happen to get married on the craziest week in the world history but they still did go ahead with the little ceremony and dinner.  People were careful not to get too close to each other.  There were a little less than 100 people there, which was allowed then, but today (3 days later) would not be allowed.
 MB (my former roommate), Emily, and Me.
 MB, Julie Jones (who flew in), and
 Melissa Chipman, MB, Julie Jones, Emily, Me, and Jessica Zimmerman (who also flew in).
 Saturday March 14th - basically starting to realize our life is going to be a bit different.  Start of quarantine .
 I had purchased a couple of small pies on Friday and we celebrated Grandpa Frye on this pie day !
 Grammy spent time with us this weekend, playing games, etc.  When dad come homes she is going to stay away for a while in case he is caring the virus.  The symptoms can be dormant for a while which makes this virus tricky.

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