Sunday, August 16, 2020

A little Scare!

 So Lexi woke up Tuesday morning with a sore throat.  Normally I would think nothing of it, but with COVID being a huge scare I was worried. But in the back of my head I thought, she just has a summer cold.  It continued on and on Wednesday she didn't get any better.  On Thursday morning I decided to go get her covid tested but driving over to the outside tent near the Cottonwood Insta Care I decided to call to see if I could get her strep tested first.  I didn't want to expose any of the doctors if she did have COVID but they said I could bring her in for a strep test first.  We had to wait outside the instacare but I fully suited nurse came out to get us and took us right in.  They took the strep culture.  A few minutes later the doctor came back to tell us it was POSTIVE- Lexi had STREP.  I have never been more grateful for a positive strep test.  There is medicine for it, I hadn't really exposed anyone to a random disease, hallelujah! I was also grateful for the spark of inspiration that came to get strep tested first because it is a much better test than the COVID test.  Plus, COVID takes 2-5 days to get results and she would have been suffering that whole time. I was able to drive to Walgreens and pick up antibiotics.  24 hours later she was doing so much better. I do think it was a pretty bad case but she is doing so much better.  Yay for strep!!!

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