Tuesday, August 18, 2020

dogs days of summer

 This week is our last official week of summer break 2020.  With COVID it has definitely been a different summer. No lagoon (actually I did let Cruz go with his friends once), no public pool, no bbq with friends, etc.  BUT we have had a great summer. We have spent time in Idaho, on the boat, paddleboarded at East Canyon Reservoir, played lots of soccer, soccer tournaments, badminton, movie nights, spent time reading books together, and more.  I wish I would have spent a little more time in the kitchen with the kids teaching them how to cook as that was one of my goals with them, but overall I think it was a great summer.  Yes, it didn't exactly look like summers of past, but I feel like we made the most of it.  

Cruz and I had the night to ourselves last night.  I took Alegra up to Esme's house to have a sleep over and Lexi and Shawn went up to Albion Basin to camp.  We all had a good time!
Alegra and Esme, so glad they are friends!

Yesterday Lexi was kinda sad because she couldn't go to Esme's pool because Shawn and her were leaving to go camping.  She was excited today because Stacey made time for us to go to the pool with them when I picked up Alegra this afternoon.  

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