Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fun Day-Alegra learned to ride her bike!

 This little 3.5 year old can ride a BIKE!!! Pretty impressive!
 Little helper (after riding her bike, helmet still on) helping me feed Lexi!

 Swing Time!
 Construction Time!

 I had to go to the Dentist this afternoon so Ali watched the girls. When I showed up to pick the girls up, Macy was on the front porch holding a sleeping Lexi. I miss that!  She doesn't fall asleep in my arms too much anymore, so cute!!
 Tonight was Cruz's school Carnival.  It was a blast.  Georgia and Macy wanted to come with us, which totally saved me. They helped Alegra on on the bounce houses and I was able to hang out with this cutey.  Cruz was crazy running around and finding friends. They were pretty warn out tonight.  So happy for Macy and Georgia this afternoon!  Shawn is in Sacramento with work this week, so it helped to have some helping hands!
Cruz has worked SO HARD on this Lego creating, he is pretty proud of it. It is some sort of Sonic something!

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