Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend Saturday

We had a fun Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend.  Dad and Cruz went up to the "Bird" to get some turns in on Snowbirds last day.
 We played outside for a bit when they got home from skiing and worked in the yard. It was beautiful out!
 In the late afternoon we went to Willow Creek Country Club. Katie and Clara came into town for Kate's nephews farewell and it Clara joined her because it was her birthday.  They had a little celebration at the pool for Clara.  All of the Bonnemorts were there and then us and Grammy and Rus and Ali's family.  The kids love to swim at that pool!

 I don't know if it was drinking too much pool water and then having greasy french fries but Alegra threw up by the pool chairs right before we left.  That night and then next day she sat with her bucket like this, funny girl!

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