Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rebecca and David's Wedding - The Temple

Rebecca and David were married and sealed in the Salt Lake Temple at 11:00 a.m. on Friday May 18th.  I drove down to the temple with mom, Rebecca, and Russ. The car ride was pretty comical because mom left a few minutes later than she wanted (Christy Summers was doing both mom and Rebecca's hair and makeup) which made her a little nervous. I can't remember all the conversations but it was funny.  We made it there on time and found parking.  David and his dad were in the Temple to meet Rebecca.  They went into the Temple and I went to the waiting room to wait for the ceremony.  Craig Carpenter, our long time friend, is a sealer at the SLC Temple. He performed the sealing. It was amazing and he talked about my dad in the beginning and made my dad apart of it and I could really feel my dad's presents. It was the closest I have felt to my dad since his passing. There have been times I have felt him close but never like this.  It was amazing.  After the sealing, I helped Rebecca get into her wedding dress (her dress wasn't quite white enough for the temple), that was fun and funny too.  We were kind of rushing because we didn't want her photographer or people waiting to long.  I ran out to meet my kids. When Rebecca came out the doors with David holding her hand she looked so happy. She was glowing. It was fun to see the kids looking at her in "awe" too.

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