Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Money, Money, Money.....

Cruz has been trying to earn money so he could buy the Lego Hero Factory Character "Furno". We found it listed for $12.99, Cruz then had me help him count his money and he had around $6.00. He has worked and worked to get money. He sold Grammy Raddon one of his beloved sea shells from Turks and Caicos. Yesterday though he came into Alegra's room with a dollar in his hand (I was helping Alegra get dressed), he said, "mom, I have the best idea, I can take this dollar and copy it on a copy machine and make more dollars for me." I told him what a good idea that was, but that each dollar has its' own serial number. I thought that was pretty clever of him. He did make enough money for us to buy it today. I actually found another bag of his money in his dresser drawer so that helped a lot. I was planning on taking him to Toys R Us so he could watch his money go into the cash register for the item, but they didn't have it in stock. We had to order it online!

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