Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April 1st

Yesterday was the first day of "At home learning" for the kids.  For the past 2 weeks they have just been doing review things with their teachers and online programs that they were familiar with.  Yesterday was the first day of trying to do "distance learning".  It was frustrating, to say the least.  Lexi and Alegra were both practically in tears and so was I.  Part of me realizes the teachers want to keep the kids learning, but part of me thinks their expectations are a bit unrealistic.  I am trying to help, download programs, and wait for programs to load because so many kids are on them.  Hopefully with time we will get a bit more used to all that's asked of the kids. Change is hard and I keep telling the kids we just have to be patient with each other and with these new tasks.  Lexi had a complete melt down yesterday and this was her "I'm sorry" note.  I am trying to keep some structure with school but I do have to try to not overwhelm them.

We are getting ready for general conference.  This general conference we are commemorating 200 years since Joseph had the first vision.  Pres. Nelson 6 months ago in our last conference asked us all to think about this vision, to study it, to think about the impact it has had on our lives, to think about all that we have in our lives because of that first vision and what we know.  I am excited for conference, especially during this troubling time - to hear messages of hope, peace, and continuing in faith.

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