Tuesday, April 7, 2020

General Conference weekend and spa night!

I was really looking forward to general conference this past weekend.  Hearing messages hope, resilience, and reliance on the Lord was important for me.  We were asked to prepare for this conference because we were celebrating and honoring Joseph Smiths first vision that had taken place 200 years prior.  We were asked to study the first vision and to think about how that vision has impacted our lives.  The restoration of the Gospel back to like the time Christ was on the earth, knowing that Heavenly Father and Jesus are 2 separate beings, knowing God talks to all of us and answers prayers, restoring the Priesthood, baptism by immersion, and so much more.
Alegra created a cute spa night on Saturday night.  We all did masks, had special drinks, and got massages.

On Sunday, Pres. Nelson left an apostolic blessing on all who were listening.  It gave me a peace and a comfort. I am grateful for revelation both personal and from our prophet.

Also, some historic moments in general conference.  A solemn assembly was called for Sunday morning to hear the new 6th proclamation given about the restoration, a hosanna shout was offered to give praise to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, 8 temples were announced, with one in the peoples Republic of China.  Missionaries are still not allowed into China but members that are already in China may now attend the temple.  And a temple in Dubai!!!

It was Kate Claytons birthday on Sunday so her mom set up a fun zoom call where the kids got to send birthday wishes to Kate and played some online games together.

Our neighbors dropped off some slime.  The kids were loving playing with it on Monday. They even made some slime of their own!

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