Wednesday, April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020- day number, I lost track, in quarentine

Alegra being so cute and doing Lexi's hair the other morning.  In so many ways this "stay home, stay safe" has been good for our family.  The girls have really played well together and have gotten so creative in playing games.  We have spent so much more time together as a family playing games, eating meals together, playing, doing chores together, hikes, walks, reading scriptures, etc.  I have loved the slower pace and the time we have spent together.  It is weird though, different days I am filled with different emotions. Yesterday was hard.  Online school seemed hard for the kids and me and I was missing for them being able to go to school and have those interactions with their teachers and students.  I missed going to the gym and seeing my friends and getting my workout in, even though I am super lucky and have a bike and can go run, I was just feeling down about it.  The future is so unknown and not having anything really to look forward too can seem a bit daunting.  And then I start thinking about the economy and that gets overwhelming. I know I shouldn't complain at all because Shawn still has his job and a pay check coming in and there are so many people that don't.  I need to chose to look for the good each day.  Usually I am pretty good about that, but yesterday was just a downer day.  I want my kids and me to look back at this time with fondness even though the world seems a bit crazy.  So, keep focusing on the positive.  The love our Heavenly Father has for us. Our family unit and our health and the love and health of our family around us.

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