Thursday, April 9, 2020

Wednesday and Thursday of Spring Break week

It has been nice to have this week off for spring break.  We have been a bit more relaxed (I have) and we have done more actives outside because the weather has been so nice.  We have been able to weed in the yard and bit, go do an awesome hill workout yesterday (all of us), and the kids and I were able to ride our bikes up to the quarry trail this afternoon and mess around there for a bit.  It has also been nice because there has been time for me to teach about what was happening during Jesus' life this last week of his life.

 Twinner work out buddies.  We asked Lexi if she wanted to change, but she said no, too much work! :)
 Lexi's awesome teacher mailed her a note today.  Lexi had so much fun opening mail for her!!!
 Playing around at the base of the Temple Quarry trail.  So glad for nice weather!!!

Tonight we did a very modified passover-seder dinner with takout of gyros from GR Kitchen with pita bread to be our matzah. We talked about what Passover is and how Jesus was eating passover meal or his last supper with his disciples this night before going to the garden of Gethsamane-suffering ALL.  Then later tonight being betrayed by Judas and tomorrow sentenced and crucified. 

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